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Importance of Exfoliation


The Importance of Exfoliation


It can be easy to cleanse your skin, moisturize your skin and then be on your way, but it is so important to include exfoliating your skin into the mix. Your skin will never be as healthy as it can be if you do not exfoliate. It is like brushing your teeth, but then never flossing. As we age our body is slower to shed dead skin and generate new skin cells. If the dead skin sin't removed it can pile up leaving the skin look dull and cause excess oils and clogged pores, leading to blemishes and acne breakouts.


Exfoliation can be performed mechanically or chemically. Below are some good exfoliation habits everyone should follow:

Regular Facials

Regular monthly facials are so important for healthy glowing skin. Not only will a monthly facial elliminate dead skin cells with exfoliation, but the process of a good facial also includes deep product penetration, hydration, and congested pore extracting.


Microdermabrasion is a form of exfoliation that is performed by using a medical grade crystal or sand covered tip that is dragged accross the top layer of skin to remove dead skin cells. This leaves the skin bright and treats issues including but not limited to aging, dullness, blemishes, blotchiness, and sun damage.



Dermaplaning is ideal for dealing with surface unevenness which is hard to conceal with makeup because these tiny surface imperfections reflect light irregularly. A Dermaplane treatment removes the upper most layers for the purpose of beautification and with repeated treatments skin becomes smoother. Using a small sharp blade removes the dead skin cells and fine vellus hairs leaving a smooth glowy complexion.



Chemical peels are wondeful for exfoliating skin because aside from getting rid of dead skin cells, it will also restore your skin to a more youthful appearance and can even help with fine lines and wrinkles.


Purchasing a good scrub to use on your skin inbetween facials and treatments is incredibly healthy for your skin. You can find facial scrubs at your local department store, but we recommened professional brands for optimal results. The Epicuren Apricot Scrub is wonderful and a favorite of ours here at Skin Fitness!